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 Current Replies for "What if?"
  What if? (Richard)
Posted: 30/10/2002
Talking to some people the other day, the intriguing notion emerged that Alphoma will provide unlimited possibilities for investigating ‘what if?’ phenomena. Because reality in the primal atom is virtual, it will be possible to look at specific points in our lives, ask ourselves, ‘What would have happened had I chosen Y rather than X at that juncture?’ and then to live through the consequences of the alternative action. Jobs, relationships, jumping/not jumping….it will be fascinating to find out!. Want to know how things would have been if your childhood social circumstances had been different? It’s all up for exploration in Alphoma!

  Re: What if? Jedi420
Posted: 11/8/2003
How would that be possible in Alphoma without your brain to recall the memories of the things you wanted to "what-if"? From what I gather, everything is Alphoma, beit separated now. So once we all merge together again, I dont think you will have the exact conciousness you do now .... you would need your brain for that to give you your memories, personality, etc.
What Richard seems to be getting at is that we were all once ONE, and we shall return to ONENESS. That doesnt nessecarily negate the notion of being able to look back on one individuals life and contemplating what if, but you will not be there who you are here. I'd imagine (how absurd of me!) that a being that is everything is content just being who it is and has no need for questions any longer.

  Re: What if? Jedi420
Posted: 11/8/2003
Oh ... sorry .. when I was reffering to Richard, I meant the creator of this site and Alphomism ... that isnt you, is it?

  Re: What if? (Richard)
Posted: 12/8/2003
Many thanks for your contributions. And, yes, the Richard of the 'What if?' comment and the Richard who initiated the site are one and the same, ie me!

Apropos individual existence in Alphoma and brains: Although I envisage that all energy will be re-concentrated into the one entity at the time of Omega I strongly believe that we will all exist again as individuals. I don't think that actual brains will be the substructure of our consciousness - but in some subtle organic computer device all our memories and character quirks will be re-created. But we will have access to all knowledge and all power and will be able to eliminate every source of unhappiness. No doubt the bliss state will be very different from my imaginings but I like to think of it in contemporary human terms and one of things I look forward to doing is exploring the life paths which would have opened up had I made different choices.



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