a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 6/4/2002
life is a reflection, you are your own worst cridic. just god(universe) reminding you of what we are always trying to mask. we die, but the energy within us can not. your energy will move on.
Re: a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 18/4/2002
Julie, Thanks for your comment. I'm not entirely sure what you mean but maybe we are not too far apart in our beliefs. All the best, Richard.
Re: a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 20/5/2002
Perhaps what she meant by it is what I have mentioned in my post.
That is, energy cannot be created nor destroyed...only converted to/from matter. So when we die, the electro-chemical impulses in our brains must do something...they cannot just dissapear. They may stop (in the case of a chemical reaction that generates electrical impules), but any residual electrical energy must go somewhere. Perhaps it is simply dissapated to ground? That is what my father would say being an electrician. Or perhaps she is just some simple foolish little cow, like all other people happy to follow the leader, occationally bleat something intelligent, then walk into the slaughter house. I myself am quite fond of saying, "If people were any dumber, they'd be food for cattle."
Archangel Legeon
Re: a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 16/9/2002
...And what Cabal do u belong to? Comments such as yours serve only one purpose and that is to enslave as well as to obscure the truth. This specie's (human) purpose is entirely experimental.
Pick a number? Pick an image? Pick a thought? Any number! Any image! Any thought! A human can replicate those numbers, images or thought energies into matter which is subsequently played out on the stage known as the third dimension. Once you've earned access to the myriad other dimensions juxtaposed with the third you'll be somewhat less inclined to call humans dumb. Experimental definitely, but never dumb.
Re: a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 7/4/2003
To quote Agent K Men in Black:
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals and you know it."
Re: a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 9/4/2004
you can't get any worse or can you please don't tell me
Re: a person is smart, people are dumb..smile it confuses people
Posted: 9/4/2004
never mind what i just said you can't ryme and you suck